The past couple of weeks I have been really convicted and moved by the example of Christ at the well with the Samaritan woman found in John 4. As He usually did, Christ used the most simple and immediately available elements to reach this woman. It seems that He made the most of every opportunity and communicated in the most relatable way. It is a great example. I was thinking about how this account relates to modern evangelism. In this story we have Christ, being Christ. Always on, living intentionally and making disciples. You have the Samaritan woman, who clearly has some knowledge of God and acknowledges His existence, but doesn't really know Him, understand him or have a meaningful relationship with Him. When she hears the good news that Christ is the Messiah she is off and running to share the good news. She leaves as the disciples return from getting food in town. There you have the third group. I heard a gentleman recently point out that Christ's disciples went into town, got food and returned with no one. The Samaritan woman bubbling over with her excitement comes back with a group of people and many of them become believers. That hit my heart. I was much like the Samaritan woman in that my whole life I knew God. I don't remember a day when I was introduced to God. I feel as though He has always been with me. As far back as I can remember, even as a tiny girl, God was with me. I was talking to Him on my knees at night, walking through forests, in my darkest moments.. He was there. My Rock and safe place. Christ was there. This was my immovable family and where I belonged in a world that was constantly shifting. Still, though I had a relationship with God and a sense of God, I didn't truly know God. When our son was a year old, our family had bounced from church to church and we were presently Catholic. I had a growing uneasiness. I knew that church-wise, we were in the wrong place, but where to go? I prayed and fasted and met the other side of the Samaritan woman in the person of John Staudinger. Rob and I had to make a quick run to the market one evening for milk and supplies to fix my broken nail. We got our things and Rob ran to get the car as it was raining. I was standing with baby Robert when John walked up. He commented about Robert being cute and how he and his wife were hoping for one of their own as he went to get the cart and dug in his pocket for a quarter. When he realized he didn't have one I remembered I had a quarter in my pocket. I usually carried no cash on me, but had been cleaning before we left and sticking random things in my pocket needing to be re-homed from bobby pins to.... quarters. This was decades ago, so the details are fuzzy, but somehow spurring off of a conversation about babies and quarters he got to talking about church. He loved his church and shared about it with an unshakable grin. He invited us to service. He and his wife Ildi studied the Bible with us and that was the beginning of a new life for our family AND I got to stop fasting. :) He followed Christ's example of using the practical to reach us and shared his joy for God that bubbled over like the Samaritan woman. I am so glad he was living intentionally. We are all called to do this. When we become disciples that is someone passing us the baton. It is just the beginning of a race that began with our Messiah long ago and continues until we go home to be with Him. His words as He ascended into Heaven were, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Mat 28:18-20 That was a command to all of us. We have been given a gift and are expected to share it. Lastly, I appreciate the example of Christ reaching out to people who had a different understanding of God. I think as Christians we can hold others of different faith walks/denominations at arms length, but maybe just maybe as our family was, they are lost. I am glad John didn't hold us at arms length. He drew us in, shared his life with us and taught us the Word of God. Just because someone is part of a church or religion does not mean they have it all figured out and are not seeking God. Sometimes all they have found is a building with lots of activities. Be open to share your life and God's word with everyone. If they know the Lord you have made a friend. If they don't know the Lord, even if they are not interested, you have planted a seed. 1 Corinthians 3:6 All good stuff. Those are my thoughts. I found the story of the Samaritan Woman very encouraging and thought provoking. I hope it encourages you as well. Thoughts and comments welcome.
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